[Tom][Colophon][More Travel][Manual Control]


Sickk Ness


Origin, Unknown

Where do I begin?

Tiny fingers surround and pull on my stomach, my stomach is dry.

Bathroom, start in the bathroom.

The fist clenches as I quicken my pace to the bathroom. I put my hand to my mouth. I push the door shut. No click.

I kneel before the toilet. I heave, completely dry and dehydrated. The bathroom door slowly swings open, I pivot and close it with a click, pivot back, heave, nothing.

I spit. Maybe some water? Before I can pivot to the sink, major heave, fist bangs my kidneys, bounce to my spleen. I spit the taste of last night's linguisa.

I swivel back to the sink and quickly drink, drink again.

I stumble and float back to the living room.

I sit and stare with my eyes closed.

At some point in the future I have to stand up, walk down town and get coffee before I start that long journey to work.

I make it to downtown without a mishap. And then, in the middle of an intersection I realize that I am going to through something out of my stomach.

There was no time to dash across the street and hide behind something. I puke red lingisa out of the side of my mouth and keep walking as if nothing had happened.

I spread fluorescent red lingisa all the way down the block.

Maybe if I drank something and got something plain into my stomach. So I go into House of Bagels and buy a poppy seed, nothing to radical, bagel and an Odwalla Superfood. I need calories.

I walk into Peet's Coffee and order a double espresso and pay for it. I sit down and drink my Superfood. Once again, I am going to throw something up, but, people will notice in here. I dash out back, doing the nonchalant fast walk. I barely make it.

Just outside the door I crouch in a major vomit.

There is nothing worse then throwing up green Superfood.

It was leaking out of my nose.


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